Documentaries & books about Organic Agriculture

//Documentaries & books about Organic Agriculture

Documentaries & books about Organic Agriculture

Interesting Books

Omnivores Dilemma “The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals” by Michael Pollan

Today, buffeted by one food fad after another, America is suffering from what can only be described as a national eating disorder. Will it be fast food tonight, or something organic? Or perhaps something we grew ourselves? The question of what to have for dinner has confronted us since man discovered fire. But as Michael Pollan explains in this revolutionary book, how we answer it now, as the dawn of the twenty-first century, may determine our survival as a species.

The One Straw Revolution“The One-Straw Revolution: An Introduction to Natural Farming” by Masanobu Fukuoka

Call it “Zen and the Art of Farming” or a “Little Green Book,” Masanobu Fukuoka’s manifesto about farming, eating, and the limits of human knowledge presents a radical challenge to the global systems we rely on for our food. At the same time, it is a spiritual memoir of a man whose innovative system of cultivating the earth reflects a deep faith in the wholeness and balance of the natural world. As Wendell Berry writes in his preface, the book “is valuable to us because it is at once practical and philosophical. It is an inspiring, necessary book about agriculture because it is not just about agriculture.”

Interesting Documentaries


Documentary by Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Director Yann Arthus-Bertrand shows us visually astonishing portrait of the Earth as seen from mesmerizing aerial views. Home is not the first documentary to survey our planet from the air, but it brilliantly and dreamily captures the miraculous linkage within delicate eco-systems. For viewers whose eyes glaze over at descriptions of the way Earth recycles energy and matter, Home underscores the beautiful and awesome reality of that complex process..To watch the full version click here

The Other Inconvenient Truth 

A skyrocketing demand for food means that agriculture has become the largest driver of climate change, biodiversity loss and environmental destruction. At TEDxTC Jonathan Foley shows why we desperately need to begin “terraculture” — farming for the whole planet.

Food Inc.

Documentary by Robert Kenner
Food, Inc. lifts the veil on our the American nation’s food industry, exposing how our it’s food supply is now controlled by a handful of corporations that often put profit ahead of consumer health, the livelihood of the American farmer, the safety of workers and our own environment. Food, Inc. reveals surprising and often shocking truths about what we eat and how it’s produced.[/

2018-05-01T14:37:17+00:00 April 30th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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